Classic Headhunting & Active Sourcing



Just advertising recruiting vacancies and waiting for applicants does not always result in a successful placement. 


Our approach is different – Active Sourcing requires also (pro-)active methods for research & identifying the ideal, full-matching & qualified candidates for you.


  • We screen the market permanently.
  • Together we elaborate the proper profile for the ideal, full-matching & qualified candidate for you.
  • According to your requirements, we address potential candidates ACTIVELY & DIRECTLY.
  • We make a customer-specific pre-selection for you.
  • We present you only the best, full-matching and most suitable candidates, to value your time and resources.
 Our ACTIVE methods and our pre-selection process is the key to your highest level of satisfaction. 



We respond promptly and customized to your requirements, enabled by:

  • our continuously growing pool of qualified candidates,
  • our excellent, extensive business- & candidate-network,
  • our exceptionally good market- & insider-knowledge.
You benefit from a strong focus on your HR projects by our experienced & personally dedicated & assigned HR consultant, who exclusively supports you on a long-term basis.